Product documentation
Rental Management Quotations

The Quotation process of Rental items follows the normal Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations quotation flow. The Rental specifics are listed here first.

A full step-by-step guide for the process can be found a little further down.

Rental Quotation Specifics

The fields below are needed for a Rental quotation on top of the standard required fields.

Address When selecting an address of a prospect of customer, make sure it is of type 'Rental'. More information on Rental type addresses can be found here.
Calendar ID This is the calendar used when charging for rental items
Invoice Profile This determines the frequency of invoicing the customer and is a required setting
Rental Price Group Id The rental price group used for the quotation
Insurance Control Will the prospect have Insurance or provide their own?
On-Rent date/time Enter the proposed On-Rent date of the rental
Off-Rent date/time Enter the proposed Off-Rent date of the rental

Customer Delivery Address - Rental address type

On the address tab, Rental Management uses this address here as the delivery address for the order. Make sure to set the purpose of the address to be of type ‘Rental’. This ensures that Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations creates a new Project for the address. More information on Rental type addresses can be found here.


Step-by-step Rental quotation process

Creating a new Rental quotation

Navigate to Rental management > Rental quotations > All quotations

Adding or Editing lines for a Rental Quotation

On the line fill in the following details:

Please check the section on supplementary items on how to process rental kits.

Sending the Quotation

Sending the quotation can be done from both the list page and the details page.

A new window will open. Here you can print the quotation (make sure the print option is activated) to send to the customer or use the printer settings to have it e-mailed.

Confirming a quotation

Please note that a quote for a prospect cannot be confirmed until the account has been converted into a customer.

Navigate to Rental management > Rental quotations > All quotations

Navigate to the relevant Quotation that you need to confirm

To view the created Rental order, go to the General tab and click on Rental orders under the Related information action pane.

Setting a Quotation to Lost or Cancelled

Note that a quotation is usually considered Cancelled if the work itself is never performed (by anyone) and Lost if a competitor has won the deal.